A Tale of Three Fruitcakes

Once upon a time, about 80 years ago, there were two brothers named Harry and David. They were in the business of gourmet gifts, and they knew a lot of people really, really loved fruitcake during the holidays. They also knew a lot of people really didn’t like fruitcake. So they thought to themselves, “Gee, we …

A Centerpiece Idea Worth Sharing from Sandy Coughlin, Author of Reluctant Entertainer

Sandy Coughlin, our guest blogger from Reluctant Entertainer, shares how table centerpieces can liven up your home during the holidays. When thinking ahead to the holiday season and setting my Thanksgiving table, I love the option of using a beautiful harvest wreath as a table centerpiece, with a few candles. There’s nothing like a fresh …

Flowers for the Holidays

In the winter months, after all the autumn leaves have fallen, things tend to look a bit bleak. But that’s okay, because we get to bring bright Christmas flowers and plants like amaryllises and paperwhites into the house to liven things up. Especially for the holidays. As a host or hostess at the holidays, you …

Top Secret Fruitcake

Connie Dalton’s mom baked just about everything. So, when Connie was growing up she skipped the Easy-Bake Oven and went straight for the real thing, making cookies and bread. She doesn’t often make more than pies during the holidays because baking is now her full-time job. She spends her days as a development technician in …

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