With the end of the year around the corner, many of us are itching for a fresh start, and New Year’s resolutions are the perfect way to go about making a change.
But what if you’re not good at sticking to New Year’s resolutions? Get inspired by monthly micro-resolutions instead! From volunteering in February to recycling in July, we’ve gathered a list of meaningful New Year’s resolutions you can take on one month at a time.
Happy New Year!

Waste nothing
According to the EPA, the average person creates 4.9 pounds of waste per day. Get a clean start this January and try your best not to produce as much garbage each day. Stick to recyclables and reusables as much as you can. Sometimes, a small change can make a big difference.

Perhaps your local animal shelter needs a dog walker, or the soup kitchen is in search of someone to dish out food. Helping those in need — even for a few weeks — can go a long way. A simple doggie kiss or a smile and a "thank you" can further motivate you to be an even better version of yourself.

Cook your meals
Ditch the takeout and fast food. Grab a cookbook and get crackin'! Choose healthy, filling meals, and set aside time to prepare them a few days in advance to make it easier on yourself. Keep this up and not only will you have something nutritious to eat, but you’ll gain useful skills, too.

Journal weekly
Time flies, and your life is a unique journey. Write down any exciting events that have happened, lingering thoughts, or vent if you have to. You’ll look back on it and realize how much you can learn from your best teacher: you.

Run a mile
Looking to get in shape? Run a mile a few days a week! You’ll be amazed at how your body adapts over a short amount of time. Not into running? Introduce yourself to a new workout, such as weightlifting or cycling.

Meet new people
When the weather warms up, it’s only natural to want to get outside. Check out the cool summer events popping up around town. You never know who you can meet. The experiences of others can open your mind and present opportunities.

If you don’t have one already, set up a separate garbage bin for recyclables. It’s something small that can make a bigger difference to the environment than you may realize. By doing this, you can inspire others to do the same.

Limit screen time
These days, it’s easy to get distracted by notifications on your phone. This month, abstain from your phone and pay more attention to your surroundings and loved ones, especially when you’re in their presence. Your relationships will be better for it.

Start a side project
Keep on putting aside that project you often dream about? Quit it! Do this for you. Research what you have to do and start, because odds are nobody else will do it for you. Even if it doesn’t go as you imagined, you can be at peace with the fact that you tried and picked up some new skills along the way.

Learn something new
It's never too late to improve your skill set. You can do this by taking an online course on a subject that interests you, such as learning to code or Photoshop, or by diving into a new hobby, such as knitting or playing an instrument. When you succeed in learning something, you’ll feel more confident in yourself and your ability to tackle all sorts of new tasks.

That can of green beans in the pantry that you’re not going to use? Donate it to someone in need. The same goes for all those sweaters hanging in your closet that you never wear. There are people that would be thankful to have the items you take for granted. There’s also a warm, fuzzy feeling that comes with donating, and it’s because you know you’ve done a good deed.

Get crafty
‘Tis the season! Whether you want to get into painting, photography, wood-working, or sew a new scarf for Grandma, put your creativity to use. You’ll be happy you did.