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20% of the net proceeds** from each gift purchased from our Season of Sharing collection will go to No Kid Hungry
Today, millions of kids in America are living with hunger. No Kid Hungry is committed to changing that. For every $1 No Kid Hungry receives, they can provide up to 10 meals to kids in need* – but they need our help. Now through December 24, we are donating 20% of the net proceeds** from each gift purchased from our special Season of Sharing collection to No Kid Hungry. Join us as we work to ensure that all kids have access to the food they need.
Together We Can Help End Childhood Hunger
Shop Our Collection
20% of the net proceeds** from each gift purchased from our special Season of Sharing collection will go to No Kid Hungry.
Facts at a Glance
- In America, 1 in 6 children face hunger
- Nearly 12 million children in the United States live in households facing hunger
- 3 million hungry kids who need a healthy breakfast at school aren't getting one

* Meal equivalency varies during COVID-19 relief. No Kid Hungry does not provide individual meals; your donations help support programs that feed kids. Learn more at NoKidHungry.org/OneDollar.

** “Net Proceeds” is defined as the gross sales price of the product less any and all taxes, service charges, shipping and handling charges, discounts, gift certificates, promotional gift certificates, promotional offers (e.g. airline miles, points, e-money, etc.) credits, rebates, chargebacks, refunds, credit card processing fees and gift certificate cancellations. Minimum donation of $50,000