Harry and David

Earn 1,500 Rapid Rewards® bonus points per order* $34.99 minimum purchase. Enter promo code RR10 and your Rapid Rewards® member ID at checkout.

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*Member will receive 1,500 points for each order of $34.99 or more, excluding service/delivery fees and taxes. Offer valid through December 31, 2023. Limit of 5 orders using promo code RR10 per calendar year for points accrual. An order can include more than one item. Points can be earned on purchases made in this collection by entering RR10 in the Promotion Code field and your Rapid Rewards® account number in the Membership ID field. Offer is not valid in stores. Items may vary and are subject to availability, delivery rules and times. Offer only available online. Offers cannot be combined, are not available on the purchase of gift cards, wine products, or sale, discounted, and clearance-priced items, and are subject to restrictions and limitations. Offer not available on orders placed using the Celebrations Passport® program. Minimum purchase price $34.99. Prices and charges are subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited. Must provide promotion code RR10 and Rapid Rewards account number at the time of purchase. No points will be awarded on cancelled orders. Please allow up to eight weeks after your order is delivered for points to post to your account. All Rapid Rewards rules and regulations apply and can be found at Southwest.com/rrterms. © 2023 Harry and David, LLC.

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*Member will receive 1,500 points for each order of $34.99 or more, excluding service/delivery fees and taxes. Offer valid through December 31, 2023. Limit of 5 orders using promo code RR10 per calendar year for points accrual. An order can include more than one item. Points can be earned on purchases made in this collection by entering RR10 in the Promotion Code field and your Rapid Rewards® account number in the Membership ID field. Offer is not valid in stores. Items may vary and are subject to availability, delivery rules and times. Offer only available online. Offers cannot be combined, are not available on the purchase of gift cards, wine products, or sale, discounted, and clearance-priced items, and are subject to restrictions and limitations. Offer not available on orders placed using the Celebrations Passport® program. Minimum purchase price $34.99. Prices and charges are subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited. Must provide promotion code RR10 and Rapid Rewards account number at the time of purchase. No points will be awarded on cancelled orders. Please allow up to eight weeks after your order is delivered for points to post to your account. All Rapid Rewards rules and regulations apply and can be found at Southwest.com/rrterms. © 2023 Harry and David, LLC.